Catherine Gable 02/21/2022

When you hear the term ‘brand image’ – or read it for that matter – perhaps you think of your logo, associated colors, or maybe your company’s name. These are, of course, part of your brand image, but they are not the whole picture.

Your brand image consists of all of the elements that create the overall “feeling” people get when they think of your company – from how user friendly your website is to how comfortable your sheets are and everything in between. Your brand image will become part of your guests’ memories of their holiday gatherings and family vacations and is what will keep them coming back to you, and you specifically, year after year.

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Your Brand Image Is the Gateway to Repeat Bookings

In the vacation rental industry, rarely will one company find itself alone in their market. Typically, you will see several other companies with location-similar names all within close proximity to each other, making it that much more important to separate yourself from the noise. In order to stand out from the crowd and secure that booking, you need to make an impression from the moment they land on your website. A great place to start is with a great logo.

Your logo is the first thing that a client or guest will associate with your company and it gives them an instant sense of what their experience will be when they stay with you. It might sound silly, but an outdated or low quality logo can be the sole thing that makes guests book with a competitor. If your logo is behind the times, and your competition’s looks sleek and modern, visitors to your website might bail right then and there without even looking at your units just based on the perceived experience that they think they will have with you based on your logo.

Another frequent brand image mistake we have seen is using low-quality images of your properties and area. Investing in professional photography is a requirement in this day and age and makes all of the difference for that first impression. Highlight unique features of your properties and within your local area to get your visitors to your website picturing themselves there!

Learn How To Increase Homeowner Acquisition
While Bizcor will always take care of your up-to-date, clean, and easy-to-navigate website, your logo and images will still be one of the top things clients and guests use to create assumptions about you, and nothing screams, “We’ve got it figured out,” more than a clean logo and high-resolution/quality images! Not sure where to start? Talk to your website project manager or a support team member today for information about Bizcor’s branding services!

Let Us Increase Your Reservations Today!

Stay tuned for Part 2!