admin 08/3/2017

Thinking about going on a new vacation, but you can’t decide between a hotel and a vacation rental? Well, there is a huge change that is going to make a significant impact on the vacation rental market as well as the way you choose where to stay and for how long. Travelers often weigh the options between staying in a hotel or renting someone’s home for the time they are in the area. Both have pros and cons, based on the person traveling and spending the money for the play to stay.

However, Google has now made the decision making even easier by adding vacation rentals to the hotel search function.

Previously when you searched “hotels” on Google, it would bring up choices of the names of hotels and only really give the customer the option to choose from a corporate hotel listing. Now, things are looking up for the people that rather choose vacation rentals for their resting spot. Traditionally, in order to view vacation rentals, one would have to look at third party spots—especially if they were looking for a wider variety of selection. Now Google has made it as easy as clicking the “vacation rentals” link. When clicking that link, the search changes from hotels to listing vacation rentals instead.

This will enhance the vacation rental experience from both ends. People looking for a spot to stay now have an easier route by simply checking Google, which is the tool they most likely were using for hotel searches previously. As for people looking to rent their homes, they now have an easier way to find potential prospects, as Google is picking up interested customers for them. The page even gives you details such as rates and “Accommodation Type,” which allows you to browse vacation rentals of all types.

This new push seems to be available to everyone; however, it is still limited to some destinations. Google could be testing the waters with this or simply rolling it out to a new specific area as time goes on. From now on, the vacation industry will be shaken up, as potential travelers now have more information to use when considering their next place to call “home” for the length of their trip.